School Overview:
Established since 1927, Huntingtower is a day and boarding school. From its inception, its values have emphasised that every child is an expression of God. Our students, teachers and members of the support staff care for, respect and look out for one another. Within the school community everyone has an important role to play ‘to work together for good’. While Huntingtower is a school based on the teachings of Christian Science, all faiths are welcomed and respected.

Welcome Message:
Huntingtower cherishes its friendly village community feel. Its small size of 700
students from Pre Prep to Year 12 ensures there is a tremendous scope for a
wide range of individual differences and talents. Every student is known,
nurtured and loved. You are most welcome to come and see Huntingtower for
yourself. Check our website for details of school tours.

Huntingtower is one of the top academic co-educational schools in Victoria. A wide range of subjects is available and results consistently show a 100% pass rate with subject results frequently at the A+ and A levels. The percentage of ENTERs above 95 is regularly many times the state average.

have access to a new aquatic centre, multi-purpose sports centres, a multi
purpose Astroturf for hockey and other sports, computer centres, excellent
libraries, a student centre and creative arts, technology, food technology and
music centres. The co-educational boarding house caters for a maximum of 18
boys and 18 girls. Year 12 students have single rooms and younger students from
Year 7 are two to a room. The double-storey building houses girls on the upper
floor and boys on the lower floor, with resident staff on each level.

Every student, from Pre Prep to Year 12, is encouraged to develop a wide range of academic, cultural, spiritual, physical and social attributes with an understanding that there are no limits. Huntingtower's primary focus is academic, but there are many elective subjects. Vocational courses are also taught and ESL tuition is available if required. A full range of VCE studies is offered and the school is proud of Year 12 tertiary acceptance rates and the quality of its results. Indonesian is taught from Year 1, with Indonesian and French taught throughout secondary levels.

Co-Curricular Activities:
spirit is strong and most traditional sports are played. Other activities
include instrumental and voice tuition, choir and madrigal groups, orchestra,
string groups, concert band, drama, debating, photography, the
Duke of Edinburgh Award and a comprehensive outdoor education program that
develops leadership and independence as well as many other skills.
Huntingtower's music eisteddfod results are consistently outstanding.

Volunteer work for organisations such as the Red Cross and the Oaktree Foundation are important aspects of our school's community outreach. Our own international projects, aimed at helping disadvantaged children and schools around the world, have been the focus of many of our students' efforts. School visits to South Africa have enabled our students to experience first hand the effects that hard work, dedication and enthusiasm have in improving the lives of others less fortunate than themselves.