Principal: Tim Moes
Isa School of the Air is a Band 8. The campus is located in the grounds of Kalkadoon State High school, and caters for students from Preschool to Year 10. Students are drawn from a large geographical area which extends from the Gulf to Birdsville, and from Richmond in the east to the Territory border.
A number of Northern Territory families are enrolled with the school, because their mail delivery comes from Mount Isa, and it is their business centre. Students are enrolled in one of the following categories: geographically isolated travellers students with medical disabilities school based secondary students re-entry adults students whose enrolment has been approved.
The majority of students in P-7 fall into the geographically isolated category, while most of the secondary enrolments are located in towns.
Employment patterns of enrolled families encompass predominantly owners or managers of cattle and sheep properties; smaller numbers are employed as miners or contractors, with the remainder residing in towns within the catchment area, where mainstream educational provision is not accessible.