Principal: Jane Garvey
Unique in its status as a selective entry state-wide provider for girls (Years 9 to 12), The Mac.Robertson Girls' High School seeks to remain at the forefront of education for girls in Australia.
An established State Secondary School situated in a central city location adjacent to the Albert Park Lake, it offers outstanding facilities for the delivery of its programs and is attended by students from a wide area of metropolitan Melbourne and beyond.

The selective nature of entry results in a broad socio-economic and cultural mix, and a strong commitment to academic excellence. The school provides an educational experience which equips girls for tertiary study and leadership roles in the academic, professional and business communities, and develops interests and skills to enhance their personal lives.
Provision for gifted and talented students in academic areas as well as in art, drama, music, sport and leadership, is an essential part of the school curriculum.
A strong core program and a wide range of elective studies in the Middle School offer students many opportunities for enrichment and extension, including the selection of a VCE or VET study.
An extensive range of VCE subjects is available in the
School, including university enhancement studies.