Berserker Street Rockhampton North QLD 4701 View Map
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Box 5021, Central Queensland Mail Centre, 4702
+61 7 4924 7888
+61 7 4924 7800
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'Fidem praestare memento'
Principal: Mrs Judith Newman
North Rockhampton State High is a large Band 10 coeducational school situated in the centre of North Rockhampton. Currently, the school has a student population of about 1040 students and eighty two teaching staff. A large Special Education Unit and a link with the Full Service School in the Canning Street annexe provide additional support structures within the school.

The school has an extensive range of curriculum offerings, one of the largest in the Rockhampton district, with growing flexibility for students in the senior phase. TAFE link courses, school-based traineeships, structured work placements and alternative programs for students all contribute to a diverse and futures-orientated approach to schooling.
Though currently under review, the middle phase of learning is structured so that students entering year 8 complete an orientation semester, followed by two one year courses framed around a Key Learning Area (KLA) approach. The final semester in year 10 links strongly with senior phase offerings.
A very strong extra curricular program is a hallmark of the school. Outstanding sporting success of students at district, regional state and national levels reflect a strong school and staff commitment to sport.
The Sporting Talent Extension Program (S.T.E.P.) was introduced in 2006 in the sport of hockey to further promote the excellent achievements of out students in this sport. It is planned for STEP to extend into other sports in the future. Music and instrumental music programs are also widely recognised in the Rockhampton community, with the school’s instrumental music ensembles producing outstanding results.