CanDo4Kids provides services to children and young people up to 25 years of age, and their families, who are Blind/vision impaired, Deaf/hearing impaired or Deafblind. The service is available throughout South Australia and serves all eligible children/young people including those children/young people from culturally, linguistically diverse, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds. Eligible young people over 18 years of age must agree to register with an adult service relevant to their support needs.

Early Intervention Service: Vision Impairment ( birth to 5)
Early Intervention Service: Deaf / Hearing Impaired ( birth to 5)
Offers a service to babies and young children who are blind or vision impaired and Deaf/hearing impaired and may have additional disabilities. The service aims to support families in providing their child with opportunities to realise their developmental potential.
Occupational Therapy
The occupational therapy service is a community-based service providing assessment and intervention for eligible children. The Occupational Therapist can assist the child or young adult in; gross motor and fine motor coordination, problem solving, planning & organisational skills and independent living skills: e.g. self care, home tasks
Family Support Service - Deaf / Hearing Impaired 6 - 25 years
CanDo4Kids offers a comprehensive service to Deaf and hearing impaired children and young people, those who may have additional disabilities and their families. Our program philosophy is based on meeting the individual needs of children and families, being inclusive of their communication styles and unique family culture. Services are flexible to assist individuals who are unable to access similar support from other agencies and/or programs. CanDo4Kids offers Recreation Programs to children and young people who are Blind/Vision Impaired or Deaf/Hearing impaired, with support to families.
Family Support Service Blind/Vision Impaired 6-25 years
Family Support Services co-ordinates a range of programs for children and young people who are blind/vision impaired or Deafblind, those who may have additional disabilities and their families. Programs are based on meeting individual needs, promoting social interaction, skill development and community inclusion, and supporting the family during periods of transition. CanDo4Kids offers Recreation Programs to children and young people who are Blind/Vision Impaired or Deaf/Hearing impaired, with support to families.
Assistive Technology Service
We provide training in the use of Assistive Technology/ computers for both individuals and groups. Individual assistive technology training and support is provided for children and young people who are Blind or Vision Impaired, Deaf or Hearing Impaired, as well as Parents, Teachers and Support Workers assisting the Child. This encompasses computer hardware and software and / or any other technology used to assist our clients in their education and in daily living.
Speech Pathology
The Speech Pathology service is a centre-based service providing communication assessment and intervention for children and young people whose primary disability is their sensory impairment. The service also has a consultative component for parents, schools, preschools, kindys and child care centre's to provide advice, activity ideas, therapy programs and support in relation to the child’s communicative needs.
Auditory Verbal Therapy
Auditory-Verbal therapy is a family centered approach enabling children with hearing impairment to learn to talk through listening. Through the Auditory-Verbal approach the child develops a listening attitude so that hearing and listening becomes an integral part of communication, play and education.Parents are at the centre of this approach and take a full and active part in every session with the Auditory-Verbal therapist. This service is provided on a one to one basis and can be provided in the family home or at the centre at Hove. through listening
Mentor Program
The primary goal of the mentor program is to provide young people with a sensory loss the skills and abilities to become independent and achieve individual goals, through having a role model to teach these skills, via a structured program over a short period of time. Some of the programs can be delivered on a one to one or group basis. This will depend on the needs of the individual. Each program is individually negotiated and monitored to ensure that the individual’s goals are achieved.
Youth Program
Blind/vision impaired/Deaf/hearing Impaired (16 to 25 years)
Services are provided to vision impaired and hearing impaired youth aged 16 to 25 years to assist them to develop skills to integrate into the community, become independent and transition into adulthood. Programs are provided to develop these skills in a group environment, and individual support is available for additional assistance and for support with other youth issues. The Youth Worker also encourages and supports liaison with other agencies to develop relationships which can continue once the Cando4kids service ceases.
The counselling service provides support and counselling to families, their children and young people who have a sensory impairment, that will support their participation in the community, access to appropriate services, build their self esteem and increase their independence. This service can be offered one a one to one or in a group situation.
Auditory Processing Program
The Auditory Processing program is provided by four 3rd year speech pathology students, under supervision of the clinical educator (Tanya Roberts). Clients attend for two hours in the afternoon, either 1pm-3pm or 2pm-4pm at the clinic at Hove, during which they attend an individual session and a group session. Parents are expected to attend and take an active role in the individual sessions.
Aims of the program:
. Increase client’s awareness of the importance of listening;
. Improve client’s use of strategies that promote “good listening and speaking”;
. Improve literacy (spelling, reading) and phonological awareness skills (language skills that support and precede literacy development);
. Improve self confidence and ability to seek clarification;
. Improve understanding by teachers and parents of the impact of auditory processing disorders and strategies to support children with these disorders.