Headmaster Mr David McInnes
Marist College Pagewood is a Catholic boys’ secondary school, Years 7 – 12. Over the past 50 years, the college has built a reputation on providing quality education in a nurturing, disciplined Christian environment, aiming to deliver challenges to the boys’ wide range of abilities and interests.
Founded on enduring Catholic values, Marist College Pagewood has excellent Pastoral Care, Peer Support and Social Justice Programs, founded on mutual respect, dignity and equality for the individual.
The College has a strong emphasis on all key learning areas, taught in modern, well equipped facilities in a suburban setting close to Maroubra junction.
“Where boys, books and performance balance”
Our Values and Religious Education
At Marist College, through our Baptismal call and in partnership with parents in Catholic education, we commit ourselves to an authentic Religious Education program which:
· Is founded on the person of Jesus Christ and enlivened by the Gospel
· Highlights the relevance of our faith to life and contemporary culture
· Is embedded within the Marist community of believers and shares in the evangelising mission of the Church
· Is committed to the development of the whole person
Pastoral Care
There is a valuable and nurturing Peer Support Scheme, which enables senior students to interact with and assist the younger students. The junior boys value this support and find that it eases their transition into College life.
“Strong minds, gentle hearts”
Our Curriculum
At Pagewood our Curriculum reflects the dynamic nature of twenty first century education. It is diverse and offers a wide range of subjects across all key learning areas and stages. Opportunities exist for extension classes as well as enrichment support. The use of data to inform our pedagogy is influential in our programming.
In Years 7 and 8, Stage 4, students follow a general pattern of study that comprises Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Human Society and Its Environment, Italian, Visual Arts, Music, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Pastoral Care, and Technology and Applied Studies. A key feature of our teaching and learning at Pagewood is student centred and collaborative learning. Project Based Learning in Year 7 is one of the innovations at the College that supports this philosophy.
The Curriculum broadens in Year 9 as the boys enter Stage 5. In this stage students are required to study set courses in the Key Learning Areas of Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Australian History and Geography as well as Personal Development, Health and Physical Education. Students have the opportunity to select two elective courses in Year 9 and can choose again in Year 10. Additional subject choices include Commerce, Information Software Technology, Building, Graphics Technology, Industrial Technology (Timber), Language, Music, and Physical Activity and Sports Studies. In the compulsory Mathematics course there are three levels which are graded according to students’ ability.
Senior Studies in Years 11 and 12 comprise the Preliminary and HSC courses. Religious Education and English are compulsory subjects to the end of Year 12. The Preliminary course is conducted during Terms 1, 2 and 3 in Year 11 and is designed as an introductory program.
HSC course study begins in Term 4 of Year 11 and continues through to the HSC examinations in October and November of Year 12. There is a wide range of subjects taught in Stage 6 and include the traditional Academic pathway subjects geared towards University as well as Applied studies subjects that provide for Vocational Education.
Subjects include: Catholic Studies, Studies of Religion (1 or 2 Unit), English (Standard or Advanced), Mathematics (all four levels are offered), Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Ancient History, Modern History, Economics, Business Studies, Construction, Hospitality, Information Processes Technology, Information Technology VET, Industrial Technology (Timber), Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies, Visual Arts, Photography, Video and Digital Imaging, Visual Design, and Work Studies.
A language may be studied through the Open High School or the Saturday School of Community Languages. Vocational Education is accessed through the dual-accredited Automotive Studies, Construction and Hospitality courses and through local TAFE Colleges.
“Growing good men from the inside”
Marist Pagewood is a hive of activity with a diversity of students, all with their own aspirations and interests. The academic curriculum at Pagewood is supported by a strong co-curriculum program which aims to provide a variety of experiences for the boys. These activities enable students to discover and develop their individual talents, skills and interests. There are numerous co-curricular activities offered at the College, including Sport, Bands, Debating, Public Speaking, Choir, Drama and Chess.
The College boasts a varied and energetic music program
Creative Art
Marist Pagewood encourages students to be independent thinkers and through visual arts experiences and activities, students learn a whole range of skills. They are encouraged to create artworks in many different formats including painting, drawing, sculpture, digital photography and film making. Excursions to art exhibitions, the city and the beach encourage students to explore and experience different architectural, artistic and natural habitats, which encourages creativity back in the classroom.
The College supports and encourages entries into external competitions and exhibitions. A major showcase of the Creative Arts is the professional bi-annual musical production, performed in conjunction with Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Kensington, involving students in song, dance music, drama and art across the years from both schools in a musical spectacular staged over two nights. The musical and theatrical spectacular also involves students in the production process including set design, musical direction and stage- management. Some students also have the opportunity to develop new skills operating sophisticated sound and lighting equipment.
Our College has a concert band and choir, and the music tuition program within the College encourages students to enter AMEB and Trinity Examinations. Our elective music students, band and choir perform at the ‘Creative Arts Night’ held each September and take great pride in performing at the Year 12 Graduation Mass at the end of Term 3. With a music department furnished with the latest technology, this aspect of the creative arts department will continue to expand to further enhance the students’ learning.
Students from across all years are involved in the College Performing Arts
Sport is an important feature at Pagewood as it promotes the physical, emotional and social development of each student, building friendships within the wider school community. Throughout the year, through sporting events such as the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, students add to house points that contribute to the winner each year of the House Colour Award.
Pagewood continues to enjoy success in many one day tournaments and representative sports throughout the year, including Athletics, Tennis, Golf, Rugby League, Touch, Soccer, Cricket, Squash, Basketball and Volleyball.
The College is a member of the Metropolitan Catholic Colleges sporting league and through MCC students are able to access representation at higher levels. All MCC games are played on Thursday afternoons where high level competition games are played against Catholic high schools within the Sydney Metropolitan area. For students not involved in MCC sport, a wide range of sports and activities is offered on Thursday afternoon including tennis, golf, martial arts, fitness, walking, surfing and fishing. There is no Saturday sport, leaving the students free to play for their local clubs.
“It’s the little things that matter”
In a safe and disciplined environment, we provide an holistic education, where boys, books, performance and sport balance.
Located in a quiet suburban street, Marist College Pagewood is close to local transport facilities and town amenities at Maroubra Junction.
Marist College Pagewood has a close relationship with Our Lady of The Annunciation Catholic Primary School, which, along with the Parish Church of Our Lady of The Annunciation, is situated close by in Donovan Avenue.
Under supervised conditions, boys enjoy a game of footy at the adjacent park at lunch times
The Facilities
The College boasts facilities which are commensurate with the contemporary needs of quality teaching and effective learning.
All classrooms are equipped with modern display technologies allowing teaching to be conducted to students using their laptops. Further technical support is available through computer laboratories around the College and in the Library, Learning Centre and Creative Arts Centre.
The multi- purpose hall ‘The Hermitage’ is a facility that accommodates Masses, functions, exams, games and many other community activities.
The surrounding area provides a multitude of sporting facilities which are utilised by the school. These include playing fields, swimming centres, athletic centres, tennis and squash centres, golf courses, bike tracks and beaches.
The senior students enjoy the privilege of using the well equipped gym.
Hospitality, which is a wide and varied subject, is offered as an elective subject, which enhances the curricular opportunities available to the students.
The boys enjoy the presence of the Marist Brothers at the College
Enrolments at the College for Year 7 commence in March of the preceding year where an information evening is held for parents followed by an involvement day at the College for the Year 6 students of the area.
Following these information sessions, families are invited to lodge applications for enrolment. Applications close on the final day of Term 1. Interviews are conducted early in Term 2, with enrolment offers issued at the end of May.
Post Year 7 enrolment enquiries are welcome and should be directed to the Enrolment Secretary. Places are strictly subject to availability.