On behalf of our staff, students and families, welcome to St Luke’s Anglican School.
St Luke’s Anglican School is an independent school from Kindy to Year 12. We are a community committed to the values of Faith, Performance and Honour, while embracing new technologies, ideas and opportunities.
As a dynamic community of people who care about each other and encourage individual pursuits, St Luke’s Anglican School is committed to nurturing and educating each student for their future.
Our strong and positive school culture based on firm foundations of trust, respect and active collaboration nurtures and encourages our students to realise their potential.
We embrace a passion for learning whether it be in academic endeavours, sporting performance, cultural excellence, spiritual growth or service activities.
We invite you to discover our school, to ask questions about what matters most to you, and to witness the energy, substance and care of our school community.
You will find warmth in every welcome, respect for each individual and a vibrant learning community of students and staff.
Educating your child for their future
We believe that your child deserves quality teaching and learning opportunities that enable them to fulfil their dreams for their future.
Historically, our NAPLAN results are above average in all year levels.
We actively encourage students to pursue all aspects of academic, cultural, spiritual, sporting or service activities as they discover who they are and who they want to become.
We believe that the holistic development of the individual is of vital importance. We aim to nurture and encourage our students to become exceptional, confident, creative, responsible and sensitive people who contribute to the community in their years beyond school life.
We enhance and support the spiritual growth of every student through the Anglican faith. Our students have many opportunities to explore and celebrate their faith through regular chapel services and various student groups. Our students participate in Ethics and Faith classes from Preparatory to Year 12.
As a school, we support every child that leaves St Luke’s Anglican School to have a pathway for employment.
Relationships that last a lifetime
Relationships are important. That’s why we believe in giving our students opportunities to participate in various co-curricular activites that develop friendships across all year levels. This encourages a safe, caring environment throughout our school that supports each student in their schooling journey.
From the first moments of Kindergarten to the final farewell of Year 12, each student is nurtured with an environment of shared expectations, ensuring their transition from year to year is meaningful. Students make friends, learn independence, confidence and leadership.
Building blocks for the future
Our exceptional Early Learning Centre provides a great start for each child beginning their schooling journey. Kindergarten and Pre-Preparatory classrooms are fully equipped to provide students with age appropriate learning experiences that promote healthy growth and development.
Our philosophy is simple: learning is both a collaborative and an individual journey where children are encouraged to “have a go”. Both our inside and large outside natural learning environments are planned to incorporate lots of learning through play.
We have qualified staff who love what they do and love teaching our early learners. Our centre goals are to develop each child’s social and emotional development throughout the year, as these skills are very important in the next stage of their school learning journey.
We are very passionate about providing an inclusive learning environment, for every child and family.
Partnerships with parents are very important to us and we communicate openly about each child’s individual development and learning journey throughout the year.
For our parents with busy schedules we offer Before and After School care plus a fun packed Vacation Care holiday program.

Fostering a love of learning
We are dedicated to ensuring every student’s formative years of schooling are an enjoyable, fun and secure experience. Our Primary School encourages students to be involved in their learning opportunities whilst exploring all that our curriculum offers.
Students work with teachers to develop core skills in literacy and numeracy. Lessons are staffed by talented subject specialists in Drama, Languages, Music, Visual Arts and Sport which expose students to a broad curriculum.
We encourage each student to enjoy learning through engaging units of work that are linked to real-life experiences. We believe in our students and provide them with opportunities to extend their abilities academically through extension projects, clubs, competitions and independent learning.
Every aspect of our Primary School prepares students for their transition into Middle School at the end of Year 6.

Transitioning into young adulthood
Middle School is all about transitions.
We continue to foster students’ love of learning and curiosity to know more, with a rich, modern curriculum and flexible structure that enable them to thrive during the transition from Primary to Middle School.
With a dynamic and comprehenisve Middle School program as the backbone of our philosophy, we encourage students to embrace change on a personal level as well as in the classroom.
We provide them with opportunities to develop leadership qualities at a younger age as well as giving them challenges to stretch their abilities across academic, cultural, sporting, service and spiritual life.
We pride ourselves on the care and concern all staff show for our individual students and their families. This is complemented by a comprehensive Pastoral Care program and individual attention to support your child during their Middle School years.
These years are important for students and we are dedicated to helping them achieve success and develop positive attitudes towards their future.

Finishing strong
Our Senior School is an energetic and engaging place for students to become mature young men and women who are equipped for their years beyond school.
We provide a holistic education for all students through a stimulating and engaging program of curricular and co-curricular experiences. We believe that all students have the ability to develop attitudes and skills to achieve their goals and dreams for their future.
Our students can choose from a wide range of academic subjects, enabling them to pursue their passions and plot their course for future studies. Subjects include:
• Accounting
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Drama
• English
• Geography
• German
• Graphics
• History
• Hospitality
• Japanese
• Legal Studies
• Mathematics
• Music
• Physics
• Senior Physical Education
• Technology Studies
• Visual Art

Learning through sport
Playing sport is an essential part of every student’s education at St Luke’s.
Students participate in a variety of sporting endeavours from the time they begin their schooling journey with us in Kindy right through to Year 12. Physical Education classes are taught by experienced teachers with a passion for helping students excel in their chosen sport.
Upper Primary students attend weekly sports with other schools throughout the region on Friday afternoons. Middle and Senior students have the option to sign on for Wednesday after school sport at various times throughout the school year.
We encourage our students to participate in playing a sport as it gives them the opportunity to learn about teamwork, mental fitness, fair play and how to deal with loss as well as success.
Many of our students regularly participate in national and international competitions in sports including Hockey, Touch Football, Rowing, Swimming, Athletics and Netball.
Sports we offer:
• Athletics
• Basketball
• Chess
• Cricket
• Equestrian
• Futsal
• Golf
• Hockey
• Human Powered Vehicles
• Netball
• Rowing
• Rugby League
• Rugby Union
• Football / Soccer
• Surf Lifesaving
• Surfing
• Swimming
• Table Tennis
• Tennis
• Ten Pin Bowling
• Touch Football
• Volleyball
A place to perform
Extensive music, drama and performance activities are offered at St Luke’s to expand and challenge students from Preparatory to Year 12. Every student has an opportunity to learn a musical instrument, play in a band or choir, or take part in a drama production.
Music lessons with a specialist teacher begin in Preparatory, and several students in Years 2 and 3 form choral groups. Our music program consists of classroom lessons as well as the opportunity to continue with private instrumental lessons and involvement in the many bands, orchestras and ensembles.
For those interested in drama, lessons are part of the program for children from Year 8 as well as an elective option for those in Years 9 to 12. Students can take the lead in a production, join a choir, work backstage or learn the technical aspects of stage production and sound and lighting.
Many of our past students have gone on to study at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music as well as to become members of the Australian Youth Orchestra, Queensland Symphony Orchestra and the Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra.